
fashion mood film

Tomorrow" is the sequel to Soaked Day. In this fashion mood film, I wanted to explore the story of someone coming home from work (Soaked Day) and seeking relaxation. However, “self-care,” like a bubble bath with candles, doesn’t always mean truly listening to what your body and mind actually need.

In Tomorrow, we drift into a daydream, escaping to a place in nature where you can feel free and release the stress of everyday life.

To prepare for this project, I meditated every day for 10 weeks, spending time connecting with my body. I discovered pain in places I wouldn’t normally notice and faced a persistent inner voice telling me I was wasting time—that I should move on to the next big thing. This experience taught me the importance of truly listening to your body. If you don’t, you risk being overwhelmed, like drowning in your own neglect.

Written and directed by Ruby Joemai

Fashion design by Kaam Kari La

DOP Roy Verver

Set dressers - Jaïr van der Voort & Maurice Godee


Kaam Kari La - Tomorrow


Soaked Day - mood film